RG 1

The Rural Generalist Year 1 (RG1) is a rural Intern training model where trainees are based in a small rural health setting with core rotations to larger health services and non-core rotations to General Practices or community health settings.

The RG1 program provides a great introduction to a Rural Generalist career by providing training in both health service and community settings and working alongside Rural Generalists in small, rural and community health services.

There is no requirement to be in a GP training program to apply for RG1 positions, but you will need to be on a GP training program before taking up a Rural Generalist Advanced Training position. Application to an accredited GP training program can be done in Rural Generalist Year 1 or 2.

The Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) coordinates the Victorian Rural Preferential Allocation (VRPA) match. All 35 Rural Generalist Intern positions are available in this match. Further details are available on PMCV website:

Intern Match Information 2025

Rural Generalist Intern Year Fact sheet 2025

RG Intern resource

RG 2

Trainees who enter the VRGP as RG1s, and pass all necessary milestones, will be given priority in recruitment to Rural Generalist Year 2 (RG2) positions. Trainees seeking to enter RG2 training can do so through lateral entry via PMCV HMO match.

Eligibility and application

Candidates seeking entry to the program are required to meet the selection criteria. Places for flexible entry may be limited by post availability.

Hospital-based requirements

Both colleges require hospital and community-based training. ACRRM allows training to be completed any time during Fellowship training. RACGP has components that must be completed before undertaking RG Advanced training and trainees are required to complete a practice readiness assessment. Both colleges allow up to 12 months’ recognition of prior learning – approval is required and evidence must be provided.