Rural Generalists (RG) train with a specific skillset to meet the unique needs of the communities in which they practice.

All Rural Generalists must obtain an advanced skill in a specific discipline as part of their Fellowship training. There may be occasions when a Rural Generalist wishes to obtain an additional advanced skill to meet the needs of their community and/or for their own professional interest.

Rural Generalist Advanced Skills are obtained through training positions accredited with the relevant college. In recognition of the important role of Rural Generalists to Victoria’s public health system, the Victorian Department of Health funds some of these posts as Rural Generalist Advanced (RGA) training.

All VRGP RG trainees are eligible to complete a RGA-funded training post as part of their RG training pathway. If you are interested in undertaking RG Advanced training in a skill not currently funded, please speak with the Regional Coordinator in the region in which you want to train.




Rural Generalist Anaesthetists (or GP Anaesthetists, known as GPAs) provide a range of Anaesthetic services to rural and regional Victoria. GPAs practice a diverse scope depending on the needs of their community. This may include Anaesthetic services for Obstetrics, General Surgery and Emergency. Launched in 2023, the Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Training Program is a joint initiative of ANZCA, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) to deliver the education, training, and assessment of rural general practitioners and rural generalists providing anaesthesia services in rural locations.


Emergency Medicine

By its nature, Emergency Medicine has considerable overlap with a number of other specialist disciplines, particularly Anaesthetics, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Internal Medicine and Paediatrics. Acute aspects of most disciplines have relevance to the Emergency Medicine. While all Rural Generalists develop skills in Emergency Medicine during their training, the RG Advanced in Emergency Medicine expands those skills and enables RGs to confidently manage and lead teams in larger Urgent Care Centres or sub-regional and some regional Emergency Departments.


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Rural Generalist Obstetricians are a core component of providing safe and efficient services to rural women and babies close to home. This training equips RGs with the skills needed to enable the delivery of high quality health outcomes for women in rural and regional Victoria. Advanced training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology is managed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RANZCOG) and is called the Certificate and Procedural training program. It is a three-tier structure of qualifications that includes the Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH), Associate Training Program (Procedural) (PTP), and Associate Training Program (Advanced Procedural) (APTP).

Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental health is a particular priority due to the major burden of mental illness in rural and remote communities, combined with the scarcity of specialist mental health services in these regions. For these reasons, rural and remote General Practitioners often provide vital frontline and extended mental health care services. Rural Generalists with Advanced skills in Mental Health are able to provide a broader and deeper scope of mental health care to their communities, both in primary care and the public hospital system.



Paediatrics forms a large percentage of presentations to General Practitioners and Rural Generalists in both rural and remote settings. A Rural Generalist with Advanced skills in Paediatrics has the ability, knowledge and skills required to provide a higher level of Paediatric care to their communities. This care may include providing inpatient Paediatric services, supporting Obstetric and emergency services, plus filling the gap in community services where there is limited access to specialist Paediatricians. It is recommended by both RACGP and ACRRM that trainees completing Advanced training in Paediatrics also undertake the Sydney Child Health Program.

Palliative Medicine

Palliative Care

Palliative Care is an important specialty area for rural and remote General Practitioners. As growth in older populations continues to rise the end-of-life care needs of communities is increasing. Rural Generalists with Advanced skills in Palliative Care are able to provide both inpatient and community-based Palliative Care services to their communities. Both RACGP and ACRRM recommend that trainees undertaking this advanced skill also obtain the RACP Diploma in Palliative Care.

Eligibility and Application

Candidates seeking entry to the program are required to meet the selection criteria. Places for Lateral Entry may be limited by post availability.